Lombardo Moreno Rodríguez

About me

Personal information

My name is Lombardo Moreno Rodríguez, I'm 23 years old and I'm a Administrative Computation Engineer who lives in Guadalupe, Nuevo León, México.

Goals and objectives

My goal is to help tomorrow's society though innovative solutions that nakes human life easier.

My objective is to be always be prepared and learn about technology to satisfy the needs of tomorrow.

Personal path and knowledge

My first approach with programming was when I was 12 years old when I was coding videogames; but at 2018 I started focusing on the web development area (10 years from now), I have experience coding Front-end and Back-end. I have worked with the following technologies/tools:

  • ● Advanced English
  • ● HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, GDScript and SQL
  • ● Vue.js, React.js and Laravel
  • ● MySQL/MariaDB Databases
  • ● BootstrapCSS and TailwindCSS
  • ● Linux and Windows

Portfolio y contact information

Inside my Portfolio you can find the different projects that I've made.

You can contact me through my social channels that you can find in my CV.